lunes, 6 de febrero de 2012

This is a case of study based on the physical and cognitive development adolescents go through. According to what the researchers of physical and cognitive development think, some physical and cognitive changes are experienced by teens among the ages from 12 to 18. This is why this study pretends to show how the theory compares and contrast with adolescents lives.

This is Gerson Ismael Gonzalez Perez is a fifteen year old adolescent who studies at Complejo Educativo S.E. During his childhood, he was a very outgoing child, who liked to play soccer with his friends all the time at home, he was very respectful and liked to study a lot. Also, Gerson is being always a student who attends classes, he does his homework, but he had always shown interest for other courses besides the basic ones like; science, maths. He liked to attend to the Karate and Office classes as well. So, he likes to study but the environment of his friends makes him lay back sometimes.  

There are some physical changes Gerson has gone and is going through during his puberty. These are the following:

  • Voice change: According to the theory the voice of female and male change, but it is more notable on male teens. Gerson started to experience this change on his voice at the age of 13 which based on the theory is in the rang they have established that is from the ages 11-14.
  • Height: Gerson has an average height which based on the theory girls and boys height have to do with the heredity and environment.
I have observed in this adolescent that he likes to study a lot, and other times hang around with his friends to play soccer, I believe in contrast to Piaget's theory I could say that he is the type of teenager who enjoys studying but at the same time living his life and according to Piaget environment has nothing to do with the cognitive development of an adolescent which I believe it does because in his case even though he likes studying he pays more attention to his friends because of the peer pressure he is into. So, I will go more by Vigotsky's theory which talks about environmental changes, and of course I believe that every teenager is different so we should not label them or make a generalization for all them.

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